National Newswire

USDA Newswire

Market Snapshot
Quotes are delayed, as of May 14, 2024, 12:50:43 AM CDT or prior.

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Cotton Bounces Higher on Monday
The cotton market posted Monday gains of 8 to 50 points. The outside market factors were helpful, with gains of 94 cents in oil and the dollar index down 7 points. Crop Progress data from Monday afternoon indicated that 33% of the US cotton crop was planted as of Sunday...
Hogs Weaker on Monday, Despite Pork Strength
Lean hogs were down 5 cents to $1.40 across most contracts. USDA’s National Average Base Hog negotiated price was up $1.37 on Monday afternoon at $89.78. The CME Lean Hog Index was up just 4 cents on May 9 at $91.32. USDA’s National Pork Carcass Cutout Value was up another...
Wheat Rallies Hard to Start New Week
The wheat complex shot out of a rocket at the day session open. Chicago contracts were 19 ½ to 26 cents across most nearby contracts. Kansas City futures were 24 to 26 ¾ cents higher on Monday. MPLS spring wheat futures were 13 ¾ to 21 ½ cents in the...
Cattle Mixed Around on Monday, as Boxed Beef Prices Improve
Live cattle closed the Monday session with contracts mostly 5 to 72 cents lower, as a couple spring 2025 contracts were slightly higher. Cash was mixed around last week, with the South seeing action anywhere from $183-185, and the North at $186-187. Feeders were higher on the day, as contracts...
Corn Squares Up to Close Monday Slightly Higher
Corn futures closed out the Monday session with contracts mixed. Front months were up fractionally to 2 ¾ cents on the day, with deferred contracts fractionally to 2 ¼ cents lower. Monday afternoon’s Crop Progress report indicated 49% of the US corn crop was planted as of May 12, a...
Soybeans Push Higher to Start Week
Soybean futures closed the Monday session with contracts bear spreading, as the front months were just fractionally higher. Other contracts were up 3 to 8 ¼ cents. Soymeal futures pupped back to start the fresh week, as contracts were down $1.50 to $5.40/ton. Soy Oil was up 71 to 87...

The CME Group Intercontinental Exchange